Safety & Security

safety sign against blue sky

Facilities Services Safety

At the departmental level, Facilities Services views safety as an investment rather than a cost, and safety is an important part of the organization’s continual improvement and overall culture. The department pursues a supportive and robust safety culture where safety is understood and accepted as a high priority at all levels within the organization.

For more information about our program, please contact our Facilities Service Safety team at

Fire Safety Systems (FSS)

Structure and Benefits

The FSS shop is organized into multiple teams of certified technicians specializing in fire alarms, fire sprinklers, special hazards, and smoke management systems. This collaborative approach benefits the university by improving quality and efficiency and decreasing costs

Technical Expertise

Every technician in the FSS shop is expected to achieve a minimum Level 2 of specialized training and certification from the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) as a condition of employment. Beyond gaining knowledge, earning certification brings a code of ethics that underscores the importance of why they do what they do. Ultimately, fire safety systems that work properly conserve the university's assets, including its greatest asset, its people.


This section provides information related to security and emergency planning, crime and fire prevention and automated external defibrillators (AEDs).

Report facility-related emergencies directly to 512-471-2020, select option 3

FS Safety Team



Safety Specialist III



Safety Specialist III

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)


AED Inspections should be performed on a monthly basis to ensure the unit is operating properly.  An AED inspection consists of: Checking the unit to ensure it is on and the light is blinking, checking the batteries to ensure they are within 4 years of the "Install by" date, and checking the AED pads to ensure they are not past the expiration date. The AED unit performs its own internal testing on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. If the unit is beeping, please contact the Office of Emergency Management at

Ordering Replacement Parts

Replacement AED pads and batteries are provided by the Office of Emergency Management. Please contact this department for replacement parts at


CPR/AED training is provided by HealthPoint. View the UT Learn website and search for the class for more information regarding the certification training.

Identifying Locations

View AED locations on campus.

Campus Carry

Visit the Campus Carry site to view University policies, obtain information, learn about the process and read FAQs.

Emergency Planning

Departmental Contacts

Get contact information for Office of Emergency Management staff at

Communication Tools for Occupant Notification

Emergencies may range from inclement weather, to building evacuations or to campus closures. The University has a variety of tools to communicate with the public in the event of any of these incidents or other possible emergencies. The following link provides information regarding the different emergency communication tools that are utilized:

Emergency Plan Development

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) continues to identify ways to enhance components of the University's emergency management program.  OEM updated the Building Emergency Plan (BEP) development and annual review process to allow building managers to update building information and building plans electronically. The online system also enables building managers to download their BEPs. A new BEP and adoption date will be generated as new information is recorded and updated into the electronic system. Building managers will only be permitted to make edits to the BEPs of buildings they manage. 

This new system ensures the emergency management program continues to incorporate current best practices and procedures. Additionally, the system safeguards each plan to be up-to-date and accurate when emergencies arise. 

Anyone currently identified as a building manager in our records will be shown as a primary building manager in the new system. These individuals will have access to make changes to their roles. If a role is not listed, please select “other” and submit your role request via email. OEM will reach out with any concerns. 

The following modifications can be made using the new system:

  • Building Management roles
  • Building Emergency Management Team List 
  • Accountability List 
  • Building Emergency Plan Information 

** Please note, assembly routes are not able to be uploaded at this time. This will be an added feature, please email the Emergency Management Coordinator your building assembly routes to be uploaded accordingly.

Update Building Info and Plans Electronically - UT Austin-BEP

If you have any questions, please contact:
Adriane Ceballos -Emergency Management Coordinator
Staci Pope -  Assistant Director, Facilities Service Center

What to do in an emergency

To understand instructions about what to do in an emergency, become familiar with the terms and procedures described in this link:

Fire Prevention / Inspections

Fire Extinguisher Training

Portable fire extinguisher training is a valuable tool for staff, faculty, and students. This training is provided in a 2-hour class format. Visit the following link for more information:


Fire Safety Inspections are performed on a regular basis for every building on campus. Each building has a specific fire inspector assigned to that building. Once the inspection has been performed, the inspector will provide the building manager with the inspection report detailing any fire and life safety violations that exist in the building. The building manager will have 30 days to correct the violations before a follow-up inspection is performed.

Special Events

If you are planning to host a special event on campus, whether big or small, you need to notify the Fire Prevention Department of certain information so they can assist with your project regarding safety, occupancy limits, and fire protection. Visit the following link for more information:

Fire Drills

Fire Prevention offers evacuation training in order to best prepare the University community to safely evacuate buildings in the event of an emergency. To request training, contact Roosevelt Easley at (512) 471-7989, with your preferred dates and times. Visit the following link for more information:

Lost & Found

If you’ve lost something, please report it using the following link. You may report lost items by telephone at (512) 471-4441, but will receive a swifter response reporting online at:

Security Planning & Campus Security Systems

Security Planning

Contact the UT Police Department Crime Prevention Unit for assistance with security planning at

Electronic Physical Security System (EPSS)

Contact Information Technology Services (ITS) for assistance with Electronic Physical Security System (EPSS) . ITS provides a variety of security solutions for buildings, including door access systems that require a proximity card to enter, panic/duress button, video security, property protection alarms and intrusion protection systems. For more information and technical support, go to Campus Security Systems.