Lock and Key Services has Moved!
Move Update Fall 2024: We are still located at the temporary trailer. Our permanent move will be sometime in the spring or summer of 2025. Stay tuned for more updates.
- Lock and Key Services' (LKS) temporary trailer for key distribution and key return is Now Open! (see map below)
- New User Guide for Electronic Key Requests is Here!
- As of December 2022:
- The LKS customer service counter in the Service Building (SER) was permanently closed.
- Key distribution and key returns are now managed from the LKS temporary trailer.
- Key requests may only be submitted using the new all-electronic Key Request form. Emailed key request PDF forms and hand-carried paper forms will no longer be accepted.
- A new User Guide for Key Requests is available to assist you with the new all-electronic process.
- Questions? Contact Michael Costa, Building Logistics and Keys Manager, at 512-471-8640 or at michael.costa@austin.utexas.edu, or email LKS at locksandkeysMAIN@austin.utexas.edu.
NEW! ANNOUNCEMENT: New key restocking fee is effective Nov. 1, 2023. For details, read our Oct. 3 announcement.

Request a Key and Authorization
On This Page
Need Service?
Facilities Service Center
Main: 512-471-2020
General Inquiries
UT Works
Lock and Key Services
Phone: 512-471-8640
Email: locksandkeysMAIN@austin.utexas.edu
Hours: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday
Phone: 512-471-8640
Email: locksandkeysMAIN@austin.utexas.edu
Hours: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday
Lock & Key Services designs and manages the secured key systems for Main Campus,* J.J. Pickle Research Campus (PRC) and other UT Austin properties and oversees key signature authority administration. We also provide the keying of locks to doors and access points, and issue keys for building occupants. The Lock & Key Services team is here to help provide a secure environment for the University's students, faculty, and staff.
*University Housing and Dining provides its own lock and key services to its residents.
Key Control and Accountability Policy
Please see the university's recently revised policy on Key Control and Accountability (HOP 4-1020).
Guidance on the proper procedures for seeking assistance with unlocking doors will be coming soon.
- Key Request and Authorization (NEW electronic form) and User Guide for Key Requests
- Contractor's Key Request (PDF)
- Lost or Stolen Key Report (PDF)
- UTM Key Signature Authorization (PDF)
For assistance, contact the Facilities Service Center at 512-471-2020.
Lock Changes
Locks on campus may need to be changed for different reasons. Based on your needs, you may be able to use the same key you have or have a new key issued from Lock & Key Services.
See the charts below for different service scenarios and steps to take if you have a lock issue:
Scenario A: I would like to change the way a lock functions.
STEP 1 | STEP 2 | STEP 3 | STEP 4 |
New lock hardware is installed. | For the new lock, determine if you would like to: - Use your existing key OR | I would like to use the existing key. → | The lock is adjusted to fit your existing key. (Your key is already on record with our office.) |
I would like a new key. → | Submit a Key Request and Authorization |
Scenario B: The lock is malfunctioning.
STEP 1 | STEP 2 | STEP 3 | STEP 4 |
The lock may be repaired or a new one may be installed. | If a new lock is installed, determine if you want to: - Use your existing key OR | I would like to use the existing key. → | The lock is adjusted to fit your existing key. (Your key is already on record with our office.) |
I would like a new key. → | Submit a Key Request and Authorization |
Scenario C: I would like to adjust security to a location.
STEP 1 | STEP 2 | STEP 3 | STEP 4 |
New lock hardware is installed. | For the new lock, determine if you would like to: - Use your existing key OR | I would like to use the existing key. → | The lock is adjusted to fit your existing key. (Your key is already on record with our office.) |
I would like a new key. → | Submit a Key Request and Authorization |
How to Submit a Lock Change Work Request
The person with key signature authority for your college, school, or department must request a lock change for a room by completing a request online through UT Works.
The request must include:
- Room number(s) where lock(s) are to be changed
- Signature of the person with key signature authority
- Valid account number for billing purposes
- Lock change and keying instructions
Once the request is processed, we will call your departmental contact to confirm lock change instructions and schedule a day to perform the service.
Lock Change Costs
Lock change costs vary depending on the type of hardware or service needed to complete your request. Please contact Lock & Key Services at 512-471-8640 or email locksandkeysMAIN@austin.utexas.edu for an estimate.
Furniture Locks
Furniture keys
New locks for furniture come with their own set of keys, so you do not need to have a new key issued to you through Lock & Key Services. However, you can choose to have an additional copy made by us. There is a nominal charge for the new key. See File Cabinet, Desk and Miscellaneous Keys.
Request a lock change or unlock of existing file cabinets and furniture:
To have file cabinet or other furniture locks changed or unlocked, submit a request online through UT Works.
Lock & Key Services assigns about 20,000 keys per year on the Main Campus and 1,300 keys per year at PRC. All assigned keys remain the property of the university.
How to Request and Pick Up Keys
Main Campus: Submit a Key Request and Authorization form signed by the person in your department with key signature authority. The key request will be routed through DocuSign to Lock and Key Services for processing (usually 2-3 days). Once the key is ready for pick up, the key holder and the listed point of contact will be notified by email with pickup instructions. A valid form of identification is required for key pick up. Keys that are not picked up within 30 days of notification will be returned to file and a restocking fee will be charged to the requesting department.
PRC Notice: Temporary Suspension of Lock and Key Courier Delivery Service Please be advised that there will be no Lock and Key courier delivery service to the Pickle Research Campus from December 16, 2024, through January 8, 2025. We will resume deliveries to PRC on Thursday, January 9, 2025. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. For any urgent matters or alternative arrangements, please contact our support team at locksandkeys-MAIN@austin.utexas.edu. Thank you for your cooperation.
What You Need to Pick Up Keys
- Your university ID or another valid photo ID
- Your UT EID (if you do not have an EID, you can get an EID online)
How to Return Keys
All keys assigned by Lock & Key Services are the property of The University of Texas at Austin and must be returned upon separation from the university.
Key Control and Accountability Policy (HOP 4-1020) VII.A.4 "Any key holder who knowingly fails to return a University key as outlined in this policy and associated procedures may be subject to administrative disciplinary action... Key holders may contact their designated key issuing authority at any time to obtain a list of University keys currently assigned to them."
Main Campus: To guarantee you are credited for the return of your key, all faculty, staff and students located on Main Campus must return their key(s) in person. To do this, go to the Lock & Key Services office at the Lock & Key Services Trailer (the same location where you picked your key(s) up).
PRC: Faculty, staff and students located at PRC may return keys to Lock & Key Services in one of the following ways:
- Return in person at the Lock & Key Services Trailer, as described above.
- Drop off keys at the PRC Key Return Box located inside PRC P19. The drop box is mounted to the wall between rooms 1.126 and 1.122.
Please note: You must return keys to the Lock & Key Services office in order for us to remove the keys from your record. Be sure to return them properly using one of the methods listed above. (We recommend you return keys in person so you can get a receipt of return.)
How to Report a Lost or Stolen Key
In the event a University key is lost or stolen, the key holder shall notify their immediate supervisor and Lock and Key Services as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after the loss was known.
Within 24 hours, a Lost or Stolen Key Report (PDF) must be submitted to Lock & Key Services by the key holder documenting the circumstances of the loss. If key is lost under special circumstances (e.g., the key was taken in the commission of a crime) Lock & Key Services will provide a copy of this report to UTPD upon request.
How to Request Replacement Keys
The individual assigned the key must visit Lock and Key Services in person.
- If your key is imperfect or broken and needs to be replaced.
- Main Campus: Bring the key in its entirety (both halves) and your UT photo ID to the Lock and Key Services office on Main Campus.
- PRC: Contact your key signature authority to set up a day for pickup by the Lock and Key Services courier.
- Please note: If your key is broken and you do not have all the parts, you will need to request a new key, as described below.
- If you lose your key, or your key is broken and you do not have all the broken pieces, submit a new Key Request and Authorization to your key signature authority.
- If your locks change, submit a Key Request and Authorization form signed by the person in your department with key signature authority. The key request will be routed through DocuSign to Lock and Key Services for processing (usually 2-3 days). Once the key is ready for pick up, the key holder and the listed point of contact will be notified by email with pickup instructions. At that time, please bring your old key to turn in for the replacement key. A valid form of identification is required for key pick up. Keys that are not picked up within 30 days of notification will be returned to file and a restocking fee will be charged to the requesting department.
How to Request File Cabinet, Desk and Miscellaneous Keys
To request keys for file cabinets, desks, or other miscellaneous non-university-issued locks, fill out a service request online through UT Works. Once Lock & Key Services receives your request, we will contact you when your key is ready for pickup.
Please note: We are unable to create double-sided keys except for wheelchair lifts.
Make sure the request includes:
- Valid account number for billing purposes
- Signature of key signature authority
- List of the key(s) being requested. Include the building and room number location of the furniture item with your request.
- Key(s) Codes (The code can usually be found on the key or in small type on the lock the key goes into. See below for assistance with obtaining key codes.)
- Indication of whether you have a copy of the key you want duplicated
- Allow an additional 24 to 48 hours to complete this key request.
- Please note: In some cases, such as for an antique cabinet, a key blank may not be available, and we will not be able to generate a key. In these cases, a new lock and key set can be requested.
- Request the installation of a new lock and key set.
Costs for miscellaneous key copies: Material and labor charges are associated with creating copies of miscellaneous keys. Providing Lock & Key Services with a copy of the key you want duplicated will decrease the labor charge. For an estimate of how much it will cost to have miscellaneous keys made, please call Lock & Key Services at 512-471-8640 or 512-471-7096. If you simply need your furniture unlocked, see the Furniture Locks section.
Contractor Keys
Assignment of keys to vendors, contractors, and service personnel (“contractor”) will be by the same means as other key holders.
A Contractor’s Key Request (PDF) and Key Request and Authorization must be completely filled out and authorized by an appropriate key signature authority having jurisdiction over the particular project or contract in question (such as a project manager, building manager, etc.).
NOTE: Project managers, building managers, etc., do not automatically have key signature authority by virtue of their position. Therefore, key signature authority must be delegated to them in writing from an individual who possesses principal key signature authority.
A Contractor’s Key Request (PDF) may not be open ended and must include a specified end date. The end date specified must be no later than the end date of the contract under which the contractor is operating, to include any option periods.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who should I call if I'm locked out on campus?
Contact the department designated building contact for assistance. Lock & Key Services, Custodial Services, and UTPD cannot unlock any doors without verification from the designated building contact.
Who should I contact if I'm having problems with locks, hinges, other door hardware on campus?
Submit a maintenance request form online through UT Works or contact the Facilities Service Center at 512-471-2020.
What should I do if a key was lost or stolen?
In the event a University key is lost or stolen, the key holder shall notify their immediate supervisor and Lock and Key Services as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after the loss was known.
Within 24 hours, a Lost or Stolen Key Report (PDF) must be submitted to Lock & Key Services by the key holder documenting the circumstances of the loss. If key is lost under special circumstances (e.g., the key was taken in the commission of a crime) Lock & Key Services will provide a copy of this report to UTPD upon request.
What is key signature authority and who has it?
Key signature authority is a designation for individuals in a department who may authorize others within that department to have keyed access to certain areas of the university. Key requests must be approved by the appropriate key signature authority before the request will be processed. Principal key signature authority is automatically given to certain university employees by virtue of their position, such as the president, vice presidents (including associate/assistant vice presidents), vice provosts, deans, directors, and department chairs. These principal authorities may in turn delegate key signature authority to others within their respective departments.
(See the next question below for more details.)
How may my department grant key signature authority to someone else?
Key signature authority can be delegated to others within your department, but only by a principal authority. Principal authorities include the president, vice presidents (including associate/assistant vice presidents), vice provosts, deans, directors, and department chairs. Note that not everyone who currently has key signature authority qualifies as a principal authority. To delegate key signature authority, a principal authority must complete and submit the UTM Key Signature Authorization (PDF) form to the Lock & Key Services office. This form must be signed and submitted via DocuSign. Once processed, the designated person will be added to the list of key signature authorities for your department.
How do I find out what keys are on my individual record?
Main: Go to the Lock & Key Services Trailer during the normal business hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, and we will give you a print-out of this information. (UT EID is required.)
PRC: To find out what keys are on your record, send an email to locksandkeys@austin.utexas.edu and we will send you a print-out of this information.
How can my department get records of who has keys to our rooms?
A request must be sent from someone with key signature authority for your department. Email locksandkeysMAIN@austin.utexas.edu the request to Lock & Key Services.
If you have any questions about requesting key records, please call Lock & Key Services at 512-471-8640 during the normal business hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Please note: At this time, we are unable to provide key records for entire departments or buildings. We encourage you to maintain records of the keys requested for members of your department.
Can my department get a confirmation when one of our room keys is returned to Lock & Key Services?
Yes. If you are a person with key signature authority and want confirmation that keys were returned by any of your employees, students, or contractors, call Lock and Key Services at 512-471-8640 during the normal business hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, to request this service. Include your campus mail code.
What should I do with my key(s) and my badge access if I transfer to another department?
You should turn in the key(s) that were issued by your previous department to Lock and Key Services’ customer service counter. You should also request your previous department’s administrator to remove your badge access.