For every one ton of product purchased, 71 tons of waste was created to mine, manufacture, store, and finally transport it to market. Reducing the amount of materials used reduces the amount of waste created. Being thoughtful about what is purchased is the first step towards reducing the amount of waste acquired and generated. Consider your true needs and choose products that are designed for durability and a long life--products which have the potential for continued use and re-use, as well as eventual recycling at the end of their useful life. Consider opportunities to borrow, buy secondhand or to clean, repair, refurbish, re-purpose, or refill to give quality items continued life.

7.12 Sustainability, Handbook of Business Procedures Purchasing Policy:
"Consistent with the President's Committee on Business Productivity's recommendations toward more active stewardship of tangible and intangible assets and critical examination of their use, The University of Texas at Austin is committed to encouraging and supporting sustainable practices throughout the supply chain."
Why Rethink and Reuse
Rethinking and reusing make a bigger impact on the campus waste stream than just managing our discards at disposal. The University community values rethinking and reusing because it reduces our carbon impact and is fiscally responsible. Every item represents a specific amount of embodied carbon due to the use of water, raw materials, and energy and the release of wastewater and air emissions resulting from manufacture and distribution. Careful purchasing prevents unnecessary production and disposal, reducing costs at both ends of University use.
Rethink and Reuse at Work
- Check Surplus Property first when you are in need of something and send all state property you no longer use.
- Utilize the water bottle refilling stations located across campus.
- Utilize an Eco2Go reusable container at University Housing and Dining locations for a discount.
- Bring a reusable tumbler to coffee shops for a discount, where available.
- Give and get needed items at annual Office Supply Swaps and Lab Supply Swaps.
- Think critically about the SWAG you hand out by using the Event SWAG Hierarchy.
- Rent a bike or get assistance with repairs on your own at Orange Bike Project.
- Shop Trash to Treasure pop-up sales on campus and look for donation stations in residence halls during move-out.
Rethink and Reuse at Home
- Explore the Surplus REuse Store and Online Auctions.
- Look for MoveOut ATX donation stations in student off-campus housing areas during summer move-out.
- Pitch a business idea to investors at [RE]verse Pitch.
- Learn from repair experts at Fix-It Clinics, find reuse and thrift shops, and more. City Of Austin (COA) Circular Economy Program
- Recycle household materials and check out the free ReUse Store, ReBlend Paint, and mulch at the Recyle & Reuse Drop-off Center.
- Donate or find materials for your next creative project at Austin Creative Reuse.