Visitors from qualified schools and assistance organizations are welcome to visit UT's Surplus Property at Building 45. Prior to visiting, assistance organizations must email us the non-profit tax documentation and website information to determine if qualification requirements have been met.
On each visit, visitors must bring a signed letter on organization letterhead stating the names of everyone coming and what types of items they will be looking for.
Qualifying outside agencies: Mondays from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. (excluding holidays).
Location and Parking
The J.J. Pickle Research Campus (PRC) is located at the intersection of Braker Lane and Burnet Road.
To pick-up items from Surplus Property go to Building 45: 10301 Creativity Trl, Austin, TX 78758
Parking for Surplus Property visitors can be found surrounding the warehouses and nearby streets, as marked. Avoid areas where signage restricts parking.
Eligible Groups
Qualified schools include any school within a Texas independent school district. Qualified assistance organizations include organizations benefiting education services, health services, human services, or assistance to homeless individuals; non-profit food banks; groups, including faith based groups, which enter into financial or non-financial agreements with health or human services agencies to provide services to that agency’s clients; a local workforce development board created under section 2308.253; a non-profit organization approved by the Supreme Court of Texas that provides free legal services to low-income households in civil matters; a non-profit computer bank; a non-profit organization that provides affordable housing; and The Texas Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation.
From Board of Regents' Rules and Regulations - Rule 80201: Disposal of U.T. System Property:
"If the chief business officer determines that the equipment is not needed for any department, that it is not practical to store the equipment for possible future use, and that the equipment can be used for instructional purposes, it shall be made available to a public school, school district, or an assistance organization designated by the school district at a price or for other consideration agreeable to the U.T. System and the public school, school district, or the assistance organization in accordance with Texas Government Code Section 2175.304(b) before disposing of the property in another manner. Preference must be given to a public school or school district or to an assistance organization designated by the school district before disposing of the property in another manner."
From the UT Austin Handbook of Business Procedures Part 16. Inventory Control and Property Management:
"Donations of university assets are only to be undertaken by the Surplus Property department unless permission is granted by Inventory Services for a specific case."
PRC Campus Map
Need Service?
Facilities Service Center
Main: 512-471-2020
UT Works
General Inquiries: facilities@austin.utexas.edu
Events & Moving:
Phone: 512-471-7889
Fax: 512-475-8167
Email: Surplus@austin.utexas.edu
For Online Auction and UT Surplus REuse Store inquires:
Phone: 512-232-8356
Email: SurplusSales@austin.utexas.edu