Service Notice
Please allow up to 4 weeks for pick-up (subject to change).
Contact us at 512-471-7889 or for additional information.

Surplus Property is pleased to provide our services to the university. Certain procedures (described below) must be followed to ensure the proper transfer of surplus property from UT departments to Surplus Property.
Surplus Property Pick-up Requests have changed over the last few years and a new process is now in place. Previously, there was a different process for tagged/inventoried items (e.g., computers, lab equipment and other assets) than for untagged items (e.g., furniture, whiteboards, office supplies, etc.). However, as of March 1, 2017, similar procedures must be followed for both tagged/inventoried and untagged/non-inventoried items. Please read the information below to determine the proper transfer procedures for the items you would like to send to Surplus Property.
Third-party Delivery
Third-party delivery of items from campus to the Surplus Property warehouse must be pre-scheduled at least 48 hours in advance with our warehouse supervisor. To schedule your delivery, please email or call 512-471-7889.
Please contact us if you have any questions. You may also receive assistance by contacting the Facilities Service Center at 512-471-2020.
How to submit a pick-up request
To submit a service request for the pick-up of surplus items from campus (both tagged/inventoried and untagged/non-inventoried), the requestor must complete the following form:
The submission of a Capitalized and Controlled Asset Removal and Transfer System (CCART) transfer document to Surplus Property from a unit must be accompanied by the submission of a Surplus Property Pick-up Request Form. For associated rates and fees see the FS Rates, Fees, Terms & Conditions page. If you have questions, please call the Facilities Service Center at 512-471-2020.
Prior to filling out the Surplus Property Pick-up Request Form, departments will need to take the following actions and/or compile the following information:
Requestor's contact information:
UT EID, email, phone number (cell preferred).
Inventory items:
Complete a CCART for transferring any and all inventoried items. A list of all relevant CCART document ID numbers will be needed for the form. In the comments section of each CCART, please specify the current physical location of the item(s) (building, floor, room) as well as the contact information for all persons assisting in the pick-up of the item(s) (name, phone number, email).
Erase/remove hard drives:
This process is required for all computers, servers and other memory-processing units being disposed of by UT departments. For more information visit the UT ITS Hard Drive Destruction page.
Must be emptied and defrosted; otherwise, they will not be moved.
Need to have the Freon and oil removed. Call the Facilities Service Center at 512-471-2020 to schedule Freon/oil removal and for more information.
Ovens, Autoclaves, and Manufactured Slate-topped tables:
Must have asbestos assessment forms attached. For more information on requesting an asbestos assessment visit the EH&S Asbestos Program page.
Lab equipment:
The following forms must be attached to the lab equipment:
- Laboratory Equipment Decontamination Form Instructions This form shows that the equipment has been approved for removal by Environmental Health & Safety (EHS).
Please empty all bookcases, credenzas, desks, and filing cabinets prior to scheduling Surplus Property pick-up.
Surplus Property does not disassemble modular furniture (including L-shaped desks, cubicle units, etc.).
A third-party furniture company may need to be called to disassemble modular furniture. If you have questions, please call the Facilities Service Center at 512-471-2020.
Specify the number of items to be picked up:
Be as accurate as possible when describing item quantities as it allows for accurate scheduling of your pick-up and prevents the need for rescheduling.
An itemized list of all items being picked up is required.
Providing photos in advance is very helpful for the pick-up of larger items.
Untagged/Non-inventoried items:
For the pick-up of all untagged/non-inventoried items, please fill out and submit a Surplus Property Pick-up Request Form. At the time of request, you will need to be able to provide the following information:
Furniture: Please empty all bookcases, credenzas, desks, and filing cabinets prior to scheduling Surplus Property pick-up. Surplus Property does not disassemble modular furniture (including L-shaped desks, cubicle units, etc.). A third-party furniture company may need to be called to disassemble modular furniture. If you have questions, please call the Facilities Service Center at 512-471-2020.
Specify the number of items to be picked up: Be as accurate as possible when describing item quantities as it allows for accurate scheduling of your pick-up and prevents the need for rescheduling. An itemized list of all items being picked up is required.
Photos: Providing photos in advance is very helpful for the pick-up of larger items.
Tagged/Inventoried Items:
For pick-up of all tagged/inventoried items, please fill out and submit a Surplus Property Pick-up Request Form after submitting the proper CCART transfer documents (see below).
At the time of request, you will be required to provide the information listed above under the "From Department to Surplus Property" section. All tagged/inventoried items must be transferred to Surplus Property via UT's Capitalized and Controlled Asset Removal and Transfer System (CCART). To read more about the CCART transfer process, click here.
Within the comments section of each CCART sent to Surplus Property, departments are required to include the following information:
- The current physical location of the item(s) (i.e., building abbreviation, floor, and room number).
- Name and cell phone number of all persons assisting with pick-up of the item at its physical location.
- Justifications indicating why the item is being disposed of, under the following circumstances:
- The depreciated value of the equipment is $10,000 or greater.
- The historical value of the equipment is $75,000 or greater.
- Contact information (name, email, and phone number) if the item(s) will be delivered by the sending department directly to Surplus Property (meaning pick-up will not be required by Surplus Property).
- If the items are going to be delivered to Surplus and do not require pick-up, please note "To Be Delivered" in the comments section along with a contact name and phone number.
Inventory Control and Property Management
From the UT Austin Handbook of Business Procedures Part 16. Inventory Control and Property Management:
"Extraordinary care must be taken when discarding The University of Texas at Austin equipment that is no longer needed. If unnecessary equipment cannot be sold, traded in, or transferred to any other entity, it must still be sent to Surplus Property to be considered for cannibalization or scrap metal sale. Worn, obsolete, unserviceable, and otherwise useless equipment must not be disposed of by any other procedure. If it is not practical or economically feasible to transfer unserviceable or obsolete property to Surplus Property, departments must not arbitrarily discard such items. The property manager or designee must be advised of the circumstances and the department's recommendation for disposal."
From the UT Austin Handbook of Business Procedures Part 16. Inventory Control and Property Management:
“When equipment is transferred from one university department to another, including Surplus Property, the department must create a CCART/NT1 electronic document to process the transaction. CCART/NT1 is a Web-based system designed to expedite the equipment transfer processing using electronic documents created by the department owning the equipment. CCART/NT1 documents are processed through the department's electronic routing and final approved by the department receiving the equipment. The transferring department remains accountable for the equipment until the NT1 electronic transfer document has been final approved by both the transferring and receiving departments. Under the following circumstances, the CCART/NT1 electronic document is routed for approval to the property manager prior to transfer to Surplus and required written justification in the Comments section of the CCART document indicating why the item is being disposed of: The depreciated value of the equipment is $10,000 or greater. The historical value of the equipment is $75,000 or greater. Due to limitations within the CCART System, untagged items cannot be included with a normal transfer to a unit, e.g., to Surplus Property. When a department wants to send untagged items to another unit, it must do one of the following:
- Include the items in the comments section of the CCART.
- Email the unit with the pertinent information if there is no other outstanding CCART for the items to be attached to."
Need Service?
Facilities Service Center
Main: 512-471-2020
UT Works
General Inquiries:
Events & Moving:
Phone: 512-471-7889
Fax: 512-475-8167
For Online Auction and UT Surplus REuse Store inquires:
Phone: 512-232-8356